Happy Birthday to…ME!!

Yes, that’s right. Today I turned 24 years old! I am getting older, and I don’t like it one bit. I know, I know, to most of y’all, that’s young, blah blah blah. It’s not young to me!! I haven’t accomplished a lot of things that I wanted to have done by now. Namely, being done with college and having some sort of degree to show for it. I am going back to school finally, but it’s still hard to realize that all my friends are done with school and getting these amazing jobs while I make 9 bucks an hour…not cool. Eh…I guess that’s a whole seperate issue that I really don’t feel like getting into right now.


Bryan made this birthday really special. He got me a laptop for school, a dozen pink roses, a book that I had been wanting, and a card that sings to me! It has really been awesome, and I don’t know what I would do without him. I really am blessed to have him! I got lots of birthday wishes and all in all, today has just been wonderful. The eating however…not so hot. Being that it’s my birthday, I have kinda been going a lil crazy with what I have been eating today. Oopsies! I know it’s not good, and I’m sure I have ruined this week, but I promise to try and get back on track tomorrow! šŸ™‚ Hope everyone is doing well! I’m off to rest and relax! šŸ™‚

1 Comment »

  1. Mel Said:

    It happens, your birthday is one day.
    Pick yourself up and move on.

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